Today is October 22, 2024 /


“The meaning of the Sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time. It is a day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of creation to the mystery of creation, from the world of creation to the creation of the world.” – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

At the Jacksonville Jewish Center, we look to Shabbat as a celebration of time. Our community comes together to celebrate this special day in a variety of ways.

To learn more about the melodies used throughout our worship services, please visit Hazzan Holzer’s resource blog.

View Shabbat Schedule- CLICK HERE

Friday Evening

Shabbat-in-the-Round is our standard Friday evening service filled with soulful melodies for a more mellow and meditative vibe to start your Shabbat. The service blends tradition and creativity, featuring both standard and contemporary melodies with the help of talented musicians from the community.


Saturday Morning

Join us each Shabbat at 9:00 am, in the Sanctuary for our Shabbat morning service. The Torah reading follows the triennial cycle according to the Conservative movement. This service is the home for life cycle events including aufrufs, namings, and b’nai mitzvah. The service generally ends around noon and is followed by a kiddush, which provides an opportunity to meet friends and, for the visitor, to meet our community.

A Shabbat handout is also available, which gives details on services and upcoming events at the Center. We also have our Sh’ma Koleinu transliteration guide for those less comfortable with Hebrew. 

Children are always welcome in our main service. Children participate in all our congregational singing, and many times are called on to lead different sections of the service. Watching our children follow the Torah processional, or on the bimah leading Eyn Keloheinu and Adon Olam are highlights of the service for the entire congregation. Teenagers also have special Shabbat programming many times over the course of the year. Teens will frequently read Torah in the main service, assist in leading programs for younger children, and have dedicated services and discussions just for teenagers.

Alternative Shabbat Morning Offerings

Coffee & Torah

Once a month join Rabbi Lubliner for a strong cup of coffee and a participatory discussion about that weeks Torah portion.

Gan Shabbat

Children ages 0-5 and their parents are invited to attend Gan Shabbat, a lively, energetic, and fun Shabbat service especially for the little ones. 

Mini Minyan

Young children will enjoy this abbreviated, informal, participatory Shabbat morning youth service. Geared to children Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

Mighty Minyan

Kids get to lead their own abbreviated Shabbat service, following which they will be up on their feet running around as they learn about that week’s Torah portion, an upcoming holiday, or another Judaic topic in a fun and interactive manner. Geared to children 4th through 6th grade.

Saturday Afternoon

As the Sabbath draws to a close, Shabbat afternoon services at the Jacksonville Jewish Center offer a warm and intimate community in which to bid farewell to the Day of Rest.  In between the afternoon and evening services, we join together for seudah shelisheet, the traditional third meal of the Sabbath, at which we enjoy fellowship over a light dairy meal, study Torah and sing.  At the conclusion of Shabbat we chant Havdalah, a beautiful ceremony which includes wine, fragrant spices, and a braided candle, before wishing one another “Shavua Tov, a good week!” 

Please feel free to contact a member of our clergy if you have any questions. The Clergy Office can be reached by phone at 904-292-1000 x115 or by email.