Today is October 22, 2024 /

Our Clergy

Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner

Jack F. Shorstein Senior Rabbinic Chair

Born and raised in Westchester County, New York, Jonathan Lubliner earned his bachelor’s degree with honors from Vassar College in 1985.  He received his MA from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, where he was also ordained and pursued post-graduate studies in Jewish history. Rabbi Lubliner served congregations in Connecticut and New Jersey before becoming the Jack F. Shorstein Senior Rabbi of the Jacksonville Jewish Center, the pulpit he has served for the past 17 years.

To read Rabbi Lubliner’s full biography click here.

Go To Rabbi Lubliner’s Blog

Rabbi Shira Rosenblum


Rabbi Shira Rosenblum joined the clergy team at the Jacksonville Jewish Center in August 2017. She received her ordination and a Master’s in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary in May of 2017. A 2010 cum laude graduate of Brandeis University, Shira Rosenblum was active in Hillel and the campus Conservative minyan as an undergraduate.  Rabbi Rosenblum has extensive experience working with youth of all ages in multiple synagogues, schools, and at Camp Ramah Darom and Camp Ramah in the Rockies. Rabbi Rosenblum’s teaching resume is also lengthy and varied. In addition to multiple pulpit internships, Rabbi Rosenblum completed a summer chaplaincy program at the University of Colorado’s Memorial Hospital, and worked at Beit T’shuvah, a Jewish halfway house and recovery program in Los Angeles. Rabbi Rosenblum is a competitive archer and Level II archery instructor who strives to combine her passion for archery with her love of Judaism. Rabbi Rosenblum represented Maccabi USA at the 20th Maccabiah Games in Israel in 2017 and was recently appointed as Archery Chair of the USA Organizing Committee (and is one of the USA Team Rabbi’s) for the 21st Maccabiah which is set to take place in 2022.

Hazzan Jesse Holzer


A native of Worcester, Massachusetts, Hazzan Holzer attended a Solomon Schechter affiliated day school, was active in USY, and spent many years as a camper and on staff at Camp Ramah of New England. Hazzan Holzer received his BA from New York University and completed a Masters Degree in Sacred Music and ordination as a Hazzan from the H.L. Miller Cantorial Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2008. Hazzan Holzer currently serves on the Executive Council of the Cantors Assembly. Hazzan Holzer plays an active role in the greater Jacksonville community through his involvement with organizations such as OneJax and ICARE. He is an avid sports enthusiast, enjoys travel and playing piano, and is a devoted collector of Jewish music and rare prayer books. Hazzan Holzer is happily married to Leora and has three adorable children, Rena, Dafna, and Eitan.

Go To Hazzan Holzer’s Blog