Shavu’ot celebrates the giving of Torah to the Jewish people. While studying Torah is always good, it is especially appropriate on this festival. The custom of studying on Shavu’ot eve all night long dates back to the Kabbalists of the 16th century who lived in Safed. Often called Tikkun Leyl Shavu’ot, the term actually refers to a set order of study consisting of selction from each Torah portion, the opening and closing sections of each book of the Bible, passages from every tractate of the Mishnah, as well as texts from the Zohar, the foundational text of Jewish mysticism. Many communities — including our own — choose to create their own curricula for Tikkun Leyl Shavu’ot which vary from year to year. You are warmly invited to welcome Shavu’ot with us and celebrate the giving of Torah with an evening of communal study online.
Thursday evening, May 28th, 8:00 PM – Minhah followed by Festival Ma’ariv
8:30 PM – FINDING BALANCE IN AN UNBALANCED TIME: A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION – Join Rabbi Lubliner and a group of mental health professionals for a discussion of classic Jewish texts on the importance of maintaining a healthy life-work balance at a time when the boundaries between family and workplace, home, office, and school have become blurred. What does our tradition have to say about such boundaries? How might we apply them to the current situation?
9:30-9:45 PM – Cheesecake Shmooze
9:45-10:45 – Wherever you Quarantine, Shall I Quarantine: Modern Lessons from the Book of Ruth