Today is February 13, 2025 /

Sunday SAT/ACT Testing

Did you know…Jewish students in Jacksonville can now observe Shabbat and ready themselves to apply for college at the same time! For students who wish to take the SAT, the test is conveniently administered at San Jose Preparatory Academy and the remaining test dates for the 2021-22 school year are Sunday, March 13 and May 8. A signed letter from your clergy is required.  For more information, please visit to register. To receive a letter from Rabbi Rosenblum, click here to email your request.

For students who wish to take the ACT, the test is conveniently administered at Mandarin High School, test center code 168871. The remaining test date for the 2021-22 school year is Sunday, April 1. For more information, please visit to create an account and register.